Care Student Assistance Program – Everest University Online

CARE Student Assistance

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Request services online

How does the program work?

You and family members may call toll free 888-852-6238 to speak with a professional about any issue that is affecting your daily life and/or academic performance, the CARE Student Assistance Program will work together with you to find a solution that meets your specific needs.

For urgent after-hours help, the CARE helpline is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

What kinds of problems?

The CARE Student Assistance Program is available to help with any concern or problem affecting behavioral health, well-being, and/or academic performance.

Typical concerns may include, but are not limited to:

  • Managing stress
  • Financial difficulties
  • Family and personal conflicts
  • Relationship issues
  • Child care and elder care
  • Legal issues
  • Staying focused and motivated
  • Substance abuse
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Loss and grief issues

Who pays for the CARE Student Assistance Program services?

These services have been prepaid by your academic institution, and are free for you and your family members to use. Should you need additional help, you may be referred additional resources in your school or community.

Ask an Instructor

ask an instructor

Everest University Online (EUO) has various courses and each course has unique requirements and demands. Yet all of our courses have one thing in common – they require time management, study skills and participation for academic success. A student’s study skills will vary for each individual. For example, some students study early in the week (Monday through Wednesday), and some students study during the middle of the week (Tuesday through Thursday) depending on the responsibilities they have in their lives.

I recently interviewed Clifton Hurd, an instructor for various marketing classes at EUO regarding study skills and he agreed that time management was an important study skill for college students. “Students should realize the importance of time management. For example, they should realize their peek study time; some students study early in the morning or afternoon,” said Hurd. He then discussed the importance of reading the course syllabus. The course syllabus is considered to be the foundation for any course. “The syllabus is probably the most important thing in the course. It is the roadmap and it leads the student to success. This is very important because you can’t successfully understand the course without understanding what you need to know,” said Hurd.

Hurd also identified what would assist his own students in any future marketing courses. He believes that having a general real-world background in marketing would help students with learning new concepts. “They should have a minor idea about the power of marketing in their lives. This will help them grasp interesting marketing concepts,” said Hurd. Marketing involves a lot of strategy (from product design and development to pricing/placing the product in stores and promoting the product to customers), ( Thinking about how marketing affects life today in that context will put students ahead in those courses.

Hurd gave other specific study skills guidelines as well:

  • Map out a daily schedule
  • Study one course at a time; leave some time to absorb and learn the information
  • Read the chapter summary for clarity
  • Do not read or try to study when you are very tired
  • Understand yourself and your study habits so you can manage your time and other responsibilities accordingly

EUO wants its students to succeed and that mainly comes from being committed to one’s classes, focused on school work and cognizant of time management. Happy studying!

Read the latest articles in the newest issue:

Everest University Online | Written by: Danisha Bethune

Catching Up

Every new term presents the opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to log into class that first week and immerse oneself in learning. Most students have that intention. They tell themselves they’re going to excel this term, that they’re going to work harder and get better grades. Sometimes they do just that, at least for a little while.

Then comes life. Family obligations, financial difficulties, health issues, and problems with their computers or losing Internet access, changes at work that increase workloads and stress levels:  these are the challenges that can present themselves during a term. Students then often struggle to keep up with their schoolwork. It’s easy to fall into the mindset of, “This week I just have too much going on, so I’m going to skip my homework assignment and get caught up next week when I have plenty of time.” Then next week arrives and the stressors haven’t gone away, and now there are two assignments due and no time to turn them in. It’s a snowball effect that can leave students feeling like there’s no way to salvage their grade and they might as well give up.

It’s difficult to recover once you’ve fallen into that frame of mind, but it’s possible. It requires a mental readjustment and a fresh commitment to success by working hard. There are several different tricks you can use to make recovery seem a little less overwhelming.

One of the most significant things is to stop looking at all that past-due work as a whole and thinking about how much work there is to do. Realizing there are six missing assignments to be completed seems so much more daunting than thinking, “I have to get one assignment done tonight.” It’s much easier to focus on doing one thing right now than trying to plan how to do everything over a long period of time. Additionally, don’t feel like you have to get everything done in one sitting. If you have a half hour, that might not be enough time to write a whole paper, but you can do the research you need to get started. Don’t pass up on an opportunity to get some work done just because you can’t get it all done.

Secondly, understand that you may not get caught up in all classes. If you know you’re not going to commit to all of your classes, or you may have a grade so low it’s not mathematically possible to bring it above passing in the time remaining in the term, let it go. If you try to spend your time and energy on a class that isn’t salvageable, you’re taking away time and energy you could use to pass a different class. Look at your grades, which assignments you’re missing, and how many points you could possibly make up to figure out which classes and assignments to focus on.

Stay in touch with your success coach and program lead. They are there to help you succeed! If you need advice, a morale boost, or a cheerleader in your corner telling you that you can do this, let them know. If you need tips on time management, ask. Your success coach can sit down with you and map out a plan or brainstorm for when you free time and what you can get done during that time. Do your kids take a nap during the day? Get your discussion posts in. Do you have a lunch break at work? Read a chapter.

The most important thing to remember is to not give up on yourself. You started your educational journey with a goal: to get to graduation and receive your diploma. Don’t let life’s curve balls derail you from achieving that goal. As 19th century industrialist Andrew Carnegie said, “Anything in life worth having is worth working for,” and while getting your degree may sometimes feel like more work than you can handle, it absolutely is worth every bit of it.

Read the latest articles in the newest issue: 

© Everest University Online | Written by: Brittany Stevens

Study Tips for the Busy Student

Everest College - The Official Blog

_studytipsbusystudentsEV_053014Between family and work, it may seem like there’s never time to study. For the busy student juggling a hectic schedule, here are some study tips to help you get ahead:

1. Know the best time of day for you to study. Some people function better in the mornings, some better at night. Experiment and find the time you’re most alert.
2. Schedule study time in your calendar. Set aside specific time in your schedule and make it a habit.
3. Don’t cram. As a busy student, it may be tempting to put studying off until the last minute. It’s more effective to study a little over a long period of time than to cram a lot into a short period of time.
4. Make flashcards so you can study on the go!
5. Ask your friends for their study tips. They’re probably busy too so find out how they…

View original post 10 more words

Class Discussion & Teamwork

Whether you are new to the online learning environment, or a seasoned student, discussion board posts and teamwork pose a challenge. You wonder why your instructors require you to work as part of a team. You wonder if there is a purpose for discussion boards beyond earning grade points or attendance. You feel awkward posting your ideas on a discussion board, or feel offended if other students don’t agree with you. The majority of my college coursework has been in the online environment, and I’ve asked many of the same questions. As an online student, I learned a lot about how to get the most from class discussions and teamwork assignments. I will share a few pointers that you will find helpful as you think about how to be successful in these two areas.Laptop on Kitchen Table with Cup of Coffee

First, as an online student, you are part of an exciting trend in higher education. More universities are offering online courses, and many, like Everest University Online, offer entire degree programs in the online format. As an online student, you have a unique opportunity to interact, contribute your ideas, and share your experience with a diverse group of students. Our students live in every state, and some in other countries. Unlike most ground campus classrooms, you have more opportunities to get to know and work with other students by sharing on the discussion board, and working on teamwork projects. In many ground classes, students do not have time to hang out before and after class getting to know each other. Here, it’s as easy as logging into class.

The discussion board is the backbone of the online learning environment.  Dr. Andy Hauk, program director for Everest University Online’s Business program shares that “class discussion is the place where the real learning happens as students interact with the instructor and each other.” He notes that the “discussion board is the place where instructors and students share real life experiences.” Here, ideas are shared and opinions challenged (politely).  Such intellectual exchanges can be woven into personal and work lives.

In each Everest University Online course, the instructions for discussion posts are posted in the syllabus, and often in the course announcements. The word “substantive” is usually found in the instructions and is the key to successful posts. What makes a substantive discussion post? One of my instructors often refers to “chewy” discussion posts. A substantive or chewy post should demonstrate serious engagement with the discussion question and the targeted reading material. It means writing a post that creates a conversation between class members. Sometimes this means a paragraph or two, but not always. Longer is not always better, especially if a student “pads” their comments. In most of my classes, 75-100 words are sufficient. As a student, you need to show your instructor you understand the course material, but even more important, you want to talk to others about how you feel about the topic, and give others a reason to share their ideas with you.

Usually, writing the main discussion post is not as challenging as figuring out what to say in response to fellow students. The response posts are the place where the real action takes place between students and instructors. By responding to others, you have an opportunity to offer your opinions, and share why you think the way you do about ideas and issues presented by discussion questions. This is where you get to know each other.

Teamwork is the other area where students contribute their own ideas and talents as they work in a small group on projects. Teamwork can present significant challenges, especially when one or two members are stuck with the majority of the project. Teamwork is important. Most jobs require people to work on teams. Teams usually are made up of individuals with different work styles and different skill levels. Even so, a successful team invites input from everyone and finds ways to use each member’s unique talents and ideas. Teamwork at Everest helps prepare students to work as effective team members, making them more invaluable as employees.

I talk to students every day who are frustrated with teamwork but there are things students can do to make teamwork a more enjoyable and successful classroom experience. First, don’t wait for someone else to volunteer as the team leader. Step up at the beginning of the week and communicate with other team members letting them know you will act as team leader. Make sure everyone on the team understands deadlines so the final project isn’t thrown together at the last minute. Be open to communicate often with other members of the team during the week. As the team leader, make sure the final draft of the project is put together early enough for everyone to read the draft and contribute suggestions. This helps ensure the final product is polished and helps the entire team get a good grade. Finally, as a team member, don’t wait until the last minute to get your part of the assignment to the team leader, or worse, don’t be the team member who doesn’t even bother to complete your part of the project.

Never think of discussion posts and teamwork projects as just another task used to get a grade. Enjoy the opportunity to get to know and work with fellow students. Often through discussion and teamwork, students form friendships and add to their network of contacts, which is helpful as you move from being a student to a graduate looking for a job in your new career field.

Read the latest articles in the newest issue: 

© Everest University Online | Written by: Amy Ramirez


Student Advisory Magazine Spring 2014

The latest edition of the Student Advisory Magazine is here! Read the Spring 2014 issue here:


SAM 2014

Drop us a comment on Facebook and click the “like” button if you enjoyed reading this issue. The Student Advisory Magazine is a collaborative effort between students and staff of Everest University Online. Any feedback, suggestions or ideas can be sent directly via email to 


Student Spotlight| Star M Keys

Star M Keys | Associates in Accounting

Star Keys, is 31 years old, She just completed her final quarter for her Associate Degree in Accounting, She plans to return in the fall and start her Bachelors in Paralegal. Star has a special needs daughter and she is eight years old.  During her time working toward her Associate degree she had to overcome death in her family, financial hardship and medical problems of her own. She has had a total of five different procedures and three major surgeries. While the road was rough trying to keep up with five classes a quarter plus be an Igniter Ambassador, she can proudly say that she is graduating Suma Cum Laude with a 4.0 GPA. Along with Online Classes, taking care of her daughter and helping classmates, she also takes care of her father who has health and medical problems.

We are proud of her for never giving up and never quitting. She knew her goals and she knew her limits and now she knows  what it takes to achieve all that she wants for her and her family. When asked about her future, Star stated:

I will continue to move forward until I have a Law Degree. That is my ultimate goal and dream and I will make sure it comes true!

Quoting Louis Sachar Holes “I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that’s no reason to give up. You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it.”

Congratulations, Star! We wish you the best of luck !

Star M Keys

Student Spotlight

 Mary Free | Associates in Criminal Investigation

Mary is 24 years old. A mother and a wife. She will be graduating with an Associates in Criminal Investigation with a 3.98 GPA. She is a die hard hockey fan. She is an Igniter Ambassador and a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.  When she is not catching up on a local hockey game or doing homework, she is usually cooking or designing graphics. She can make something out of nothing, anything creative gets her attention. The most rewarding aspect in life is helping others. Mary has spent countless hours mentoring her mentee and others on Everest Online Facebook groups. 

Congratulations, Mary! We wish you the best of luck in your career!

Mary Free



“A.S.P.I.R.E.” A Study System

AspireA: Approach/attitude/arrange

  • Approach your studies with a positive attitude
  • Arrange your schedule to eliminate distractions

S: Select/survey/scan

  • Select a reasonable chunk of material to study
  • Survey the headings, graphics, pre- and post questions to get an overview
  • Scan the text for keywords and vocabulary: mark what you don’t understand

P: Piece together the parts:

  • Put aside your books and notes
  • Piece together what you’ve studied, either alone, with a study pal or group:summarize what you understand.

I: Investigate/inquire/inspect:

  • Investigate alternative sources of information you can refer to: other text books, websites, experts, tutors, etc.
  • Inquire from support professionals (academic support, librarians, tutors, teachers, experts,) and other resources for assistance
  • Inspect what you did not understand.

R: Reexamine/reflect/relay

Reexamine the content | Reflect on the material | Relay understanding

  • Reexamine: What questions are there yet to ask? Is there something I am missing?
  • Reflect: How can I apply this to my project? Is there a new application for it?
  • Relay: Can I explain this to my fellow students? Will they understand it better if I do?

E: Evaluate/examine/explore:

  • Evaluate your grades on tests and tasks: look for a pattern
  • Examine your progress: toward achieving your goals
  • Explore options: with a teacher, support professional, tutor, parent if you are not satisfied.


Starting Off Right!


You have an opportunity to learn more new, exciting things! Whichever course you are in, I promise there are things that you can do to make it run smoothly. Here are some tips I use for my own studies.

The Syllabus

It’s good to print or save a copy of this document to your desktop. It’s also very important that you read the document; it gives you an idea of how much time you will need to give to a particular course. For instance, some courses have light reading; others have not so light reading. If this course syllabus doesn’t have as much heavy reading, you’re more likely to know you can fit it in a smaller time slot.

If you have multiple courses, this will be a really good way to see how much time you need to give to each course.

Time Management

We understand that most of our students have jobs, families and/or other responsibilities so finding time to study is important, but it can be somewhat challenging. The easiest way to make sure you have the time to study is to make sure you take out time to study. The first step is to either write down or think about what you do throughout the week and see where you can realistically set time aside to focus on studying. Doing it on a Saturday when all of the kids are home may not be the best time to study. If you have a planned outing on a certain day, setting up time to study then may not be the best time either. Here are some suggestions:

  • The earlier in the week you study, the better. The sooner you read your chapters, the quicker you can have the information you need to post in the courses.
  • Pick realistic times for you. If Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. is the best time to study your materials and later on post your work, then do it.
  • Studying is nothing without participation. You have to post in eCollege for you work to count and for you to progress towards passing the course.


It’s all about just doing the work. Some coursework may be easier or more challenging than others, but you can do it! The key is to get an early enough start so you can ask for help if you need it. Instructors are there to help you and offer clarification on assignments. Here are some more quick tips:

  • Read the assigned chapters first, then review the lecture. If you do not understand something, write it down and email the instructor after you’ve finished studying.
  • Take a five to 10 minute break between chapters to let your brain process the information.
  • Once you’ve read the chapters and understood the material, complete your discussion posts as soon as possible so the information is still fresh in your head.
  • Complete your homework and/or quiz accordingly.

Will life happen? Of course! However, setting the strongest foundation possible will help you stay focused in your courses. Happy studying and congratulations on reaching your goals!

© Everest University Online | Written by: Danisha Bethune